Monday, June 15, 2009

More QLD 09 Footage

Here's another Live video from Necro's QLD 09 Tour. This one is a Verse from a song called Canarsie Artie's Brigade performed with no beats (Acapella Style). The original Full length song has Ill Bill & Q-Unique featuring.

Remember 2 check out 4 all ya Necro & Psycho+Logical- Records Merchandise (CDs, Clothes, etc.). Support the Artists & Buy there S#!T or U might Get ya Head Split.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Necro Gif Images

Sup Yall, Here's a few Necro Gifs i made,
Suitable for Mobile Phones or whatever you want.
About 18 Gifs in Total inside this file below, just Download & Unzip
Password for the file is
I would post a preview pic but Blogs don't show moving images so i post this pic instead.

More S#!T 2 Come Real Soon.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Necro Leaving Court

Necro, known for his "death rap", has been fined $3000 for punching a man who was sitting at a Perth cafe.Necro, real name Ron Raphael Braunstein, 32, and his back-up DJ Christopher Catenacci, 31, were charged yesterday by police after a 27-year-old man was punched during a scuffle outside the Petite Cafe in Murray St. As the man stood up & came towards Necro, the rapper repeatedly punched the man in the face, & fracturing the mans check bone in the process. The fight spilled on to the street & into a convenience store as the man ran away from both Necro & DJ Catenacci, who had joined to help his lead rapper. Necro was released the next day & was able to continue his tour.

-Pics of Necro leaving Court-

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Necro Arrested WTF

Necro was arrested in Perth, Australia on Thursday June 4 following a fight. The New York rapper got into a physical altercation with a man at around 10:30 a.m., leaving one man injured with minor injuries after getting punched in the face. Police were called in, and took Necro (real name: Ron Braunstein) where he is being held until a court appearance on Friday morning June 5. The official charges he was hit with, if any, were unknown at press time. Necro is currently on an overseas tour, with Perth being one of the stops. He was scheduled to perform at the local Hyde Park Ballroom, but the date has being cancelled due to the arrest. That's gotta Crush all U Necro Fans in Perth, but as the old saying goes..."The Show Must Go On". Necro will hit one more stop in Adelaide, Australia before moving on to New Zealand. If Necro has had MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) training like Mr. Hyde, then someone was bound to get there Wig Split. Now people in Perth, next time if there is one, DON'T step 2 da King of Death Rap or ya aint going 2 see him Perform a damn Good show, & Thats the Bottom Line cause Double J said so.
Holla @ Ya Boy.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

You're Dead (Live 09) QLD

Gotta give a shout out 2 Mr. Hyde, Cheers 4 signing my CDs & merch. Here's a video with Mr. Hyde performing Live in QLD 09 along with Necro's You're Dead. "You're Dead Dead, You're Dead Dead, You're So Dead & That's What i Said".

Mr. Hyde's new Chronicles of the Beast Man & Rare Demos Vol.2 pretty Tight, make sure U pick them up. When i say "Psycho" U say "Logical", "Psycho"..."Logical", "Psycho"..."Logical"...PLR #1 in Necro Downunder.
As always, much more 2 come.

Whos Your Daddy (Live QLD 09)

Here's Who's Your Daddy Live @ Coolangatta QLD 09, If u know who da HOT blond on stage is, Holla & if u are her, Holla Back Baby. She kissed me then Bailed, didn't see her again after that (SPEWIN'). Quality a bit rough, Sorry but it's hard 2 do in a Mosh Pit. lol.

"Yo its Necro the Sexorcist, the Porn King, Show me your Breasteses, i'm the Best there is..."
Necro Australia bringing U the Hard Shit.

Mutilate the Beat

Thought i'd post the original version of Mutilate the Beat.
Damn this is a Sick song, U gotta Love it.

More Live Vids from QLD 2 Come so Stay Tuned.

Necro Images

Necro has some awesome drawings & designs,
Here's a few pics 2 show u what i'm talking bout.

Morbid enough 4 Ya ??? Necro Australia got da Hook Up.
Holla at ya Boy.

Revenge (Get Some Back) Live 09

Get Some Back (Revenge)

Performed Live @ Coolangatta QLD 09
As always, Necro Australia got more 2 come.

Psycho+Logical- Records...

Tour Coming 2 An End

Necro Australia is your Destination 4 everything Necro related Downunder.
Necro has already performed at Coolangatta QLD, Melbourne & Sydney & now he's finishing up his tour of Australia with Perth & Adelaide to go, then the finale over in Auckland NZ. I attended the Coolangatta show & it was GOOD, if you have not seen Necro perform live I suggest you do...Cause only Necro can deliver that Hardcore Death Rap that we all Love. More Vids & shit 2 Come.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Necro Live in QLD 09

Here's another 2 videos live @ Coolangatta QLD


DO IT ft. Chopper

Still more 2 come yall. Make some fucken noise.

image hosted by

Muder ya Life

More 2 come soon

Keep checkin
4 all yo Necro Australia needs