Friday, July 24, 2009

Necro and Michael Jackson

Yall Mutha F#?K@$ need 2 make some NOIZE or something, Visitors come & go but don't leave a comment, don't expect updates all da time cause i aint posting S#!T if u F#?KS aint gonna reply. That's why i aint updated in a month. Let me know if u like this blog, Let me know if u DONT like this blog, Tell me what yall want me 2 post, anything. Make it worth my TIME.

Michael Jackson (R.I.P.) passed away this month, Which is why i thought i'd post these Necro songs with Michael Jackson (Billie Jean 2005 & Murda Ya Life), well actually Necro is Dissing MJ but it's still good S#!T (FUNNY). Check em out & leave a reply u lazy F#?KS, tell me what u think. Click link below...

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Found this on YouTube thought i'd post it as well
(pretty good video whoever done it) PROPS Yall